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G-FAN Issue #38

G-FAN Fanzine Index

Issue #38 — March/April 1999, 68 Pages

  • Cover/Back by Jim Strate
  • Back Issue: Available


  • At Last! Gamera 3! by Ed Godziszewski
  • G3 Sombre, Satisfying by Norman England
  • Gamera 3 — Kyoto Station Event by Norman England
  • The Meltdown Theory Revised by Michael Szczepanski
  • A G-fan’s Tribute by Phillip G. Chandler
  • The Gryphon — TriStar’s Unfilmed Arch G-foe by Brant Elliot


  • The G-FEST that ate L.A.
  • Ryfle G-book update
  • G-FAN artist loses brother
  • Special Godzilla created for G-FEST ’99
  • The Gamera report

Product Reviews

  • Video Reviews — Neptune Media’s Giant Monster Gamera and Gammera the Invincible by J.D. Lees

Fan Fiction

  • The Journal of Dr. Rex Summeral: To Catch a Kaiju — Part 4 by Skip Peel
  • You’ll Never Eat This Town For Lunch Again — The Gamera Autobiography — Part 1 by J. Christian Grymyr


  • G-FEST ’99 Details