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G-FAN Issue #74

G-FAN Fanzine Index

Issue #74 — Winter 2006, 72 Pages

  • Cover by Gabe McIntosh
  • Back by Matt Frank
  • Back Issue: Available


  • King Kong Comes Back! by J.D. Lees
  • Godzilla Zero Hour — Behind the Lens by Franz Vorenkamp
  • Moon With a View — The Making of The Great War in Space by Peter H. Brothers
  • Godzilla Final Wars: Final Review by J.D. Lees
  • Young Fan Starts G-Club by Evan Stultz


  • Actor Richard Berger by Brett Homenick
  • Title Designer Kyle Cooper by Brett Homenick
  • Artist William Stout by Brett Homenick


  • Gamera returns to his roots
  • Godzilla goods a big success
  • Actor Warren Kemmerling passes away
  • Director Koji Hashimoto passes away
  • Director Sadamasa Arikawa passes away by Daisuke Ishizuka
  • King Kong publicity details from Universal Pictures publicity department
  • All Monster Toys Attack! — new toy report by Steve Agin

Product Reviews

  • Book Review — Casacra’s Godzilla Large Dictionary by Jason Thomas Meininger
  • Book Review — Shogakukan’s Godzilla Toho Large Monster Picture Book by Jason Thomas Meininger
  • DVD Review — Diamond Entertainment’s Japanese Monster Movies Collector’s Edition Volume 1 by James Russo
  • DVD Review — Tynuson Production’s G-FEST XII Convention Video by J.D. Lees

Fan Fiction

  • Down With Us by Jolyon Yates
  • Gfantis Lives! by Timothy Gagnon, edited by J.D. Lees


  • The Models of G-FEST XII
  • The Monsters of Godzilla: Final Wars