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G-FAN Issue #52

G-FAN Fanzine Index

Issue #52 — August/September/October 2001, 68 Pages

  • Cover/Back by Mark Jones
  • Centerspread by Mark Nagata
  • Back Issue: Available


  • Godzilla Inside Out — Tsutomu Kitagawa on Performing Godzilla in GxM by Michael Szczepanski
  • A G-FAN Retrospective — Revisiting Monster Zero by J.D. Lees
  • Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot by Keith Sewell and Lenell Bridges


  • G-FEST hits its stride
  • G-TOUR announced
  • New G-model
  • GMK toys
  • GMK fx shoot ends

Product Reviews

  • Video Review — Studio Kaiju’s Kaiju Big Battel by Dave Coleman
  • Book Review — CCP Bayou Publishing’s Reptilicus: The Screenplay by Richard Pusateri

Fan Fiction

  • Survivor: Monster Island by Alex Mayo
  • In Search of Rex Summeral by Skip Peel
  • War Against the Wild Gods by George Thomas


  • G-FEST Album
  • G-FAN Creature Contest